About Gira Circo
Providing performance artists for corporate events, private parties, schools, libraries, everywhere!
Shows and interactions using clown language for creating and developing greats moments with circus skills of juggling, stilts, balance, and mime.
Aims to entertain and rescue peoples for fantastic and ludic circus world.
Bring you forgot “child interior” for play.

Along 19 years we develop expertise for teach using verified techniques.
The expressiveness of this work comprises play, circus activity, gymnastics, rhythms, creativity, communications for movement and relationship intrapersonal and interpersonal, comprise with body manifestation expressive.
Smiling the greatest medicine, you could every take. This is important, because when you smile your brain forgot pain, problems and negative thoughts, your body free chemical substance associate of wellness. Help your register in your memory any information easier.

About Me
Flavio Domeni - Frangolino Clown
I was born in Brazil. I graduated from three universities, in I.T., Acting and Physical Education, and started learning circus art when I was 26 years old. My hobbies are bicycling and skateboarding. I enjoy doing these with my son, daughter and wife.
I joined my bicycling hobby with my circus job and created the company Gira Circo, where I travel with my bicycle attached to a bike trailer filled with my clown equipment.